
KABSY CONSULTANCY SERVICES  is a Brand  business name for Kabaso Sydney it was opened in 2010 in Kabwe Zambia and its now operating in South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbambwe, Malawi, Angola, Mozambique and Kenya.We are yet to open in Philipines and India by 2018.The firm is a team of Consultants in various fields of education, business, health, Information Technology and Development.The consulting services ranges from business management consulting services, education consultancy, infomation Technology and image buiding.

In Lesotho Kabsy operates as TSWELOPELE CONSULTANCY  and it is specialised in assisting students to study overseas by handling the application and student visa process.

We also help counsel students in making the best decisions.  Where necessary, we also assist students secure their accommodation and airport pick-up. We are the officially authorised representative over 150 universities and colleges around the world such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, China, Mauritius, Netherlands and Switzerland. Tswelopele Consultancy has consistently sent students overseas for the last 10 years which is why we are the professionals with a number of agency awards.

For more information visit TSWELOPELE CONSULTANCY offcial site HERE.